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In the first half of the year, the tugboat company reached a strategic cooperation with Dongying Haihe port, and a tugboat service cooperation with China Merchants Shekou Youlian shipyard. It won the bid for the tugboat service project at the wharf of China Resources Power Haifeng power plant again. Two tugboats were stationed in Zhuhai Gaolan Port for operation, and a tugboat service agreement was signed with Guanghui energy. New revenue growth points continued to increase


Second, reduce production costs in multiple ways, purchase fuel oil from Yantian port, dachanwan, Huizhou and other ports in a centralized manner, and adopt the method of comparing and selecting the lowest price to win the bid, so that the fuel cost will decrease by 7.84% year-on-year with the increase of usage; Bulk materials are selected by many companies to sign annual contracts, and the price is 6-8% lower than last year; Centralized bidding is adopted for ship repair, and the repair price is reduced by 8-10%


Third, the operating conditions of the subordinate enterprises of the tugboat company were good. The operating revenue of Yangkou tugboat increased by 1%, and the net profit increased by 23%; The operating income of dachanwan tugboat outside the port increased by 26%; Dapeng Weijie's operating revenue increased by 6.8%, and its net profit increased by 27%. Next, the tugboat company will continue to effectively mobilize resources in all aspects and promote the work to a new level

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