盐田港集团董事长孙波主持仪式,集团总裁刘南安、深圳海关副关长谭华、南昌海关副关长周维颖发表讲话深赣港产联动 打造物流发展新动能此次项目协议书的签订标志着“特区+老区”合作共建的深赣港产城一体化合作区项目正式落地
The industrial project is located in Nankang District, Ganzhou City. It plans to build "one port, one park and one area", namely Ganzhou international dry port, ganshen modern electronic information industrial park, Ganzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Ganzhou international dry port. According to the idea of "promoting production by port, prospering city by industry, prospering city by port", with the development goal of "one million standard containers, hub port", through the sea rail intermodal transport platform, it will drive the effective traction of the port to the dry port and the effective supply of the dry port to the port, Build an international multimodal transport integrated logistics hub to realize the integrated development of seaports, dry ports, port industries and urban areas
“深赣欧”班列启程 建立国际运输新动脉满载着纺织服装、家用电器、日用百货等产品的“深赣欧”中欧班列从深圳盐田港首发启程,到达江西赣州国际陆港后,经赣州海关办理二次转关后集结再出发,与赣州国际陆港启运的家具、电子产品等货物共同发往欧洲,经新疆阿拉山口出境,终点到德国杜伊斯堡
The "Shenzhen Jiangxi Europe" train set off
The opening of the train effectively integrates coastal and inland resources, realizes interconnection, complementary advantages, win-win cooperation, and creates a new international logistics channel, which will have a huge driving effect on the inland Ganzhou to build a "bridgehead" and international cargo distribution center integrated into the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area, promote more products and brands in China to go out, and help the construction of the "the Belt and Road"
At the ceremony, Shenzhen Customs and Nanchang customs signed a memorandum of cooperation