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On the morning of June 7, Lin Jie, chairman of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, led a team to Yantian port to carry out a special survey on "improving the comprehensive competitiveness of Shenzhen's international shipping". Chen Qianwen and Wang Hongbin, vice chairmen of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, Yin Shubin, chairman of the Yantian District Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, some members of the special survey group of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, Hu Chaoyang, chairman of the Yantian Port



Actively connect with the work deployment of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government on the development of port and shipping and marine industry, and fully fulfill the political and social responsibilities of municipal state-owned enterprises; At the same time, we should fully understand the development situation, constantly enhance the awareness of hardship, increase external pressure and endogenous power, be brave in opening up to the outside world, base ourselves on Shenzhen, focus on the bay area and look at the whole country, strengthen the integration of resources, speed up the construction of the port layout and hinterland linkage network with the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area as the core, constantly consolidate the status of Shenzhen port as an international hub port, and continue to improve Shenzhen's international shipping competitiveness


She said that the Municipal Association would give full play to its functional positioning of "focusing on the center and serving the overall situation", fully support Yantian Port Group to build a benchmark enterprise in Shenzhen port and shipping industry, promote the introduction of supporting policies for industry development, strengthen coordination and communication with relevant units, jointly help Shenzhen build a global marine center city, and meet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with excellent results


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