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"Thank you for your persistence in production during the epidemic period, so that we can feel your dedicated service during the epidemic period..." recently, four units, including Huangshi Xinye Steel Co., Ltd., Guangyun Logistics Co., Ltd., Daye Xinye Special Steel Co., Ltd. and Daye Huaxin Industrial Co., Ltd., sent golden flags to Huangshi Xingang company to express their gratitude to Xingang for its persistence in production during the epidemic period Thank you for your timely action to solve the problem of cargo transportation



On the one hand, Huangshi Xingang makes use of online platforms, telephone visits and other channels to investigate the internal market of Huangshi City, solve customer demands, provide high-quality services, and strive to find new opportunities in the crisis. On the other hand, Huangshi Xingang not only focuses on production tasks, but also compresses meals and shift handover time. At the same time, according to the different needs of different goods, Huangshi Xingang explores innovative loading and unloading processes to effectively improve the efficiency of cargo loading and unloading


At present, the production of Huangshi Xingang has fully returned to normal. Since the resumption of production, a total cargo throughput of 1.952 million tons has been completed by the end of April, effectively ensuring the supply of production materials for key livelihood enterprises such as Xisaishan Power Plant, Daye Nonferrous Metals, Xinyegang, Baosteel, COFCO feed, Xinxing pipe industry, etc., boosting the resumption of production and operation of enterprises, and pressing the "accelerator" for the resumption of production of livelihood and key enterprises in the hinterland of Huangshi



Since the full resumption of normal construction on March 27, Huangshi new port has accelerated the progress of the project and ensured safe production by carrying out preliminary safety assurance work such as project resumption review meeting and resumption safety inspection. By the end of April, 213 project management and construction personnel had been on duty in the second phase of the project, and the resumption rate reached 92%. After the full completion of the project, the comprehensive handling capacity of Huangshi new port is expected to reach 30million tons


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