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On March 19, the municipal Party committee's guidance and service group for epidemic prevention and control in Yantian street came to Yantian Port Group to investigate the situation of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. Sun Bo, chairman of the group, and Wang peihang, deputy secretary of the Party committee, attended the Symposium. Relevant heads of the group office, investment development department, operation management department, planning and construction department, and work safety management department attended the meeting


At the meeting, all departments successively reported to the guidance service group the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, resumption of work and production of Yantian Port Group and its subordinate enterprises, and introduced the safety production management, resumption of construction in progress, operation and other situations during the epidemic period. During the epidemic period, Yantian Port group successively reported to the customs, border inspection, maritime affairs, Marine Supervision, Yantian Comprehensive Bonded Zone Economic Development Service Center Yantian international container terminal and other front-line units donated a total of 30000 masks and other epidemic prevention materials


At the same time, Yantian Port Group strictly implemented the requirements of rent exemption and fee reduction from its superiors. The rent was reduced by 28.0969 million yuan in February and March 2020, and the toll of Huiyan expressway was expected to be reduced by 34.36 million yuan, and the amount of reduction was expected to reach 62.4569 million yuan. In addition, the group has selected three groups of 14 party members and cadres to sink into street communities and enterprise parks to support grassroots epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production, and launched nearly 200 employees in the system to participate in free blood donation activities


Sun Bo said that the Party committee of Yantian Port Group resolutely implemented the requirements of higher-level epidemic prevention and control, took action at the first time, bravely shouldered the social responsibility of state-owned enterprises, pressed and compacted the responsibility of epidemic prevention at all levels, and actively and orderly promoted the resumption of work and production. During the epidemic, the group emerged a large number of advanced employees who rushed ahead and made no private contributions, and their outstanding performance was highly praised by government departments


Next, Yantian Port Group will continue to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and contribute to the protection of social and people's livelihood. Yu Dejiang, leader of the guidance service group, said that Yantian Port Group and the municipal Party committee and government are in step, epidemic prevention work is in place, resumption of work and production is orderly and stable, and help epidemic prevention and control through donations, stationing cadres and other means, showing the good image and responsibility of municipal state-owned enterprises


He pointed out that in the next stage, we should continue to do a good job in strict prevention and control of the epidemic, and ensure the important gateway of "external defense input". At the same time, the two sides should continue to strengthen close communication and coordination, and jointly promote the steady economic and social development of their jurisdictions

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