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On March 6, Yantian Port Group donated a batch of epidemic prevention materials to Yantian international container terminal, the port operation unit, to support the front-line production of the port. Wang peihang, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Yantian Port Group, Chen Biao, Secretary of the board of directors of Yantian Port Group and Secretary of the Party committee of Yantian international, and relevant heads of the safety production management department, office and Yantian international attended the donation ceremony



Thanks to the timely assistance of the group, Yantian international will make good use of this batch of materials and ensure the production of the port area. Wang peihang said that Yantian port area is an important international hub port in South China, which is of great significance to economic development and ensuring people's livelihood. The Party committee of Yantian international should give full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations, pay close attention to the important work of epidemic prevention and production, and actively carry forward the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, take the lead in ensuring production and fighting the epidemic, We will resolutely win the fight against the COVID-19

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