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In this war of prevention and control of the epidemic, the party members and cadres of Yantian Port Group bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility, go retrograde, and practice the mission and responsibility of the Communists with hard work day and night. On February 5, Yantian port group selected five party members and cadres, including Wang Yan, Tao Xujin, Li Chen, Li Yuyong, Sun Yu, to go to four street guidance service groups, establish temporary party branches, and sink into the street communities under the direct leadership of the street Party Working Committee, Provide guidance services for community communities to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control


They run in the front line of epidemic prevention every day and strictly guard the grassroots epidemic prevention for Shenzhen, which is in the process of orderly resumption of work and production. So far, they have been fighting for 20 days and nights. Since February 24, the second batch of Party members and cadres, Guo Yao, Jiang Wei, lichangping, Chen Jiang, Liu Yongjun and other five comrades, have invested in Huada gene company, Guangdong Oujia communication technology company, guangxingyuan Internet base, sannuo digital technology company Keerda electrical equipment company and other 5 Jiayuan districts (enterprises) support epidemic prevention and control and resume production


Wang Yan: the war epidemic should keep the "main position". Wang Yan, vice president of Yantian Port Group, is the leader of the working group of Party members who support the streets this time. At the same time, he serves as the leader of the guidance service group of Taoyuan Street in Nanshan District. "If you want to do good things, you must first use their tools." Wang yansulai upholds a pragmatic and scientific work style, organizes and establishes a contact group at the first time, and requires party members to cooperate in collecting epidemic prevention knowledge, prevention and control work related policies Make full preparations in advance and devote yourself to the front-line work with a full attitude


Wang Yan believed that party members should fight both prepared and tactical battles before charging. Considering that there are a large number of enterprises gathering in Nanshan District and the peak of enterprise resumption after February 9, Wang Yan led the team members to carry out special research on resumption of work and epidemic prevention before that, and brought the sorted out good experiences and good practices of all streets of the city to all parks, giving advice on epidemic prevention and control in advance to prevent it


In addition, Wang Yan led the team members to collect and analyze the characteristics of recent epidemic cases in supermarkets across the country. In combination with the current situation of regional prevention and control, they visited and supervised large shopping malls, three small places and other areas with large traffic, checked and filled in omissions, timely fed back to the streets, and insisted on participating in regular street and community video work meetings every day to fully understand the life and work demands of residents and enterprise employees



"At that time, I saw that my conditions were suitable and thought that party members and cadres should rush to the front line, so I submitted my application." she said that it was inevitable to worry a lot, but she believed that personal protection according to scientific epidemic prevention methods was the most important. She would carefully disinfect according to epidemic prevention regulations every day and devote herself to busy work with a positive attitude. In order not to let her parents who were far away from home worry, she never mentioned her recent work


Tao Xujin, who was also in the Taoyuan Street guidance service group, visited 12 communities in the street under the leadership of Wang Yan, the leader of the group. On the basis of finding out the epidemic prevention and control situation of street communities, office buildings, large supermarkets, isolation points and so on, he conducted field Research on the situation of urban village enclosure management, large commercial complexes, three small places epidemic prevention and control, and enterprise resumption of work



She also brought her usual pragmatic and serious attitude to the work of the Haishan Street guidance service group in Yantian District. Every day, Li Chen went straight to the front line to supervise and inspect the implementation of epidemic prevention and control, epidemic prevention and control of enterprises returning to work and production safety work with members in various communities according to the work requirements of "five 100%," ten unifications "and" four priorities "


She always held a pen and paper in her hand, wrote down the problems as she walked, so that she could sort out the feedback in time. "Many front-line personnel have started such work since years ago, and it has been very hard until now, but we hope to help the streets improve epidemic prevention work and get through this difficulty together through daily persistence." talking about the feelings in work, Li Chen said that epidemic prevention work should give full play to the collective strength


“说句心里话,一开始我有些顾虑和害怕” 李玉勇说,是共产党员的身份使自己一往无前怀着这样的信念,李玉勇作为一线走访员,走访摸排了7个社区共103个城中村和花园小区,10天内完成街道全覆盖排查,用双脚丈量了整个龙岗街道

"To tell you the truth, I was a little worried and afraid at first."


In order to do a solid job of epidemic prevention without leaving a dead corner, Li Yuyong not only went into urban villages and garden communities to understand the implementation of enclosure management and prevention and control measures, but also checked the residence, isolation, food and daily life, life security, etc. of people in key epidemic areas, repeatedly verified and confirmed whether the isolated people were isolated at home, and cooperated with the streets to do a good job of supervision and service



The urgency of the work requires her to immediately devote herself to the support work, and at the same time, she should continue to follow up the company's resumption preparations. Facing difficulties, she did not hesitate. "As a party member, I have to work at a critical time, no matter how difficult it is." Sun Yu's guidance service team has a total of three people, but it needs to complete the comprehensive arrangement of nine communities. Most of the urban villages in Kwai Chung Street are open structures, with many entrances and exits, and face many difficulties in the process of management and supervision


Through unannounced visits, on-the-spot visits, research seminars and other ways, Sun Yu and his team members went deep into the community to find problems, solve problems, promote excellent experience in epidemic prevention, provide optimization suggestions in time, pay attention to the enclosure management of villages in the city, and try to help the streets improve the prevention and control network that blocks the route of infection. "I can't remember what day of the week it is today



The Party committee of the group provided logistical support at the first time, established a work exchange and liaison group, communicated work arrangements and needs in a timely manner, distributed epidemic prevention materials, purchased personal accident insurance, and reduced the concerns of Party members and cadres. The trade union committee of the group also organized condolences in a timely manner, sent care and advice. Subsequently, Yantian Port Group will also send personnel to the community street epidemic prevention team at any time according to the needs of epidemic prevention work, so as to fulfill its original mission with action, Highlight the responsibility of state-owned enterprises

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