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众志成城抗击疫情 全天候不停工不停产——拖轮公司全力抗疫保障码头正常运营


In the face of the sudden COVID-19, Shenzhen Yantian tugboat company under Yantian Port Group, in order to ensure the normal operation of front-line tugboat operations, give full play to the leading role of the party organization, predict early, attach great importance to and pay close attention to the implementation, Party members and cadres take on the role, lead all staff to form a joint force, overcome difficulties, and jointly ensure the continuous operation of Yantian port area and dachanwan port area


Early prediction, rapid response to support operations, the tug ships that provide berthing assistance, pilotage and rescue services in the port need to ensure that they do not stop working for 24 hours. The Party branch of the tug company has been nervous. After paying attention to the relevant reports of the epidemic, it timely communicated with the relevant departments and offices of the company, prepared a batch of disposable masks for front-line employees under the unified deployment of the group, and actively contacted Yantian people's Hospital for scientific epidemic prevention guidance, Reserve materials and take protective measures in advance


On the evening of January 23, Guangdong Province launched the first-class response to major public health emergencies to deal with the sudden outbreak of covid-19 pneumonia. The tugboat company's early prediction and preparation made employees able to work safely and reliably during the epidemic period. It happened that on the evening of January 23, the tugboat company found that a crew member stopped in Wuhan on vacation, had a fever of 37.3 degrees after returning to work, and was diagnosed as "acute upper respiratory tract infection" by doctors, It is recommended to isolate at home


In the face of emergencies, the tugboat company took it easy and reported quickly. According to the epidemic prevention measures planned in advance, the tugboat company issued the order to isolate the relevant personnel and ships at the first time, and arranged special personnel to be responsible for the distribution of living materials of the isolated personnel and ships. At the same time, all personnel were required to do a good job of protection to ensure that the epidemic prevention materials were implemented until February 4. After confirming that all the isolated and observed personnel were not infected, the isolation was lifted



The Party branch of the tugboat company took the epidemic prevention and control work as the most important political task at present, and quickly reflected it. An expanded meeting of the Party branch committee was held on January 27, which clearly required all staff to attach great importance to the epidemic prevention and control work, actively deploy and comprehensively monitor, use all social resources to purchase medical materials, and ensure the life safety of employees. The Party branch, Youth League branch and trade union jointly issued the proposal: resolutely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control


On the same day, the tugboat company urgently set up a leading group for epidemic prevention and control, with the primary task of ensuring the health and life safety of employees, actively respond, scientifically prevent and control, formulate and deploy epidemic prevention measures and emergency plans, arrange a series of epidemic prevention measures for local ships, and systematically do a good job in epidemic monitoring, screening, early warning and admission


Party members take the lead and carefully protect the health of employees. During the epidemic prevention and control work carried out by the tugboat company, Comrade Deng Xingqing, a party member, showed the responsibility of the Communist Party members to rush ahead at the critical moment with practical actions. Comrade Deng Xingqing is the Department Manager of the newly established safety and quality management department. In the case of "bare handed commander", he took the initiative to undertake the main work of the company's epidemic prevention and control, making overall plans and taking classified measures, Actively go to all ships to supervise and urge the implementation of disinfection and disinfection and sterilization and personal protection of crew members, and always pay attention to the physical and mental health of isolated crew members and give timely help


As a seaman, he particularly understands the psychology of the crew and the needs of the crew. Deng Xingqing insists on doing the work realistically, carefully and truly, so as to achieve the hearts of the employees. In order to provide reference for the company's daily tugboat operation and the epidemic prevention and control of the crew during their work, he creatively prepared the "Health Guide for epidemic prevention of tugboat operation"


The health guide not only includes detailed guidelines on crew protection at work, shore based protection at work and personal protection during the epidemic, but also includes the knowledge of protection at home of employees' families and home isolation. The health guide has not only become a guide for employees' health protection at work, but also a health link between the company, employees and their families. The prevention and control of the epidemic has been orderly resumed, and the prevention and control period of the epidemic has been continuously extended to maintain employees' mental health It is particularly crucial to have a firm belief in overcoming the epidemic


The Party branch of the tugboat company made full use of the company's wechat official account and other media to establish a "heart to heart" bridge with the employees, timely reported the latest progress of epidemic prevention and good practices in the work, used words to inspire morale and warm the hearts of the people, and had a strong response among all employees. The tugboat company is also always concerned about the lives of colleagues in the severely affected areas


In addition to registering the whereabouts of employees in time at the initial stage of the outbreak and following up the health situation every day, the tugboat company also released articles such as "looking forward to meeting you when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom - a letter of condolences to colleagues in key epidemic areas" to colleagues in key epidemic areas through the official account platform. Managers of relevant departments also often use telephone or video to convey the company's condolences for psychological comfort


The fight against the "epidemic" is not a one-man battle, which requires everyone's positive action. On February 3, in the case of the increasing shortage of protective materials and the difficulty of purchasing in the market, the wechat official account of the tugboat company called on all employees to work together to provide the company with a channel to purchase protective materials. This one action timely alleviated the pressure of the company's material emergency



From January 24 to February 9, the employees of the tugboat company completed a total of 1021 operations (including subordinate enterprises) with a high sense of responsibility, and successfully completed the scheduled plan. On February 9, ye Zhongxiao, vice president of Yantian Port Group, came to the tugboat company to supervise the epidemic prevention and control work, stressing that with the promotion of the resumption plan, the prevention and control tasks in the future will be more arduous, and the tugboat company should carry out relevant confirmation work for all returning personnel according to the work plan, Put the safety of employees at the top of all work and work together to win the war of prevention and control of epidemic

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