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On May 17, Yantian Port Area completed the normalized commercial use of the first remote-control tire crane with 5g equipment in South China, ushering in new achievements in the innovative application of "5g+ smart port", and further moving towards the direction of port automation, digitization and intelligence. The innovative application of 5g+ smart port achieved new achievements. During the 7 * 24-hour normalized operation verification of the remote-control tire crane in the port area, the 5g network operated stably, and the average end-to-end 5g network delay was less than 20 microseconds, The network packet loss rate is less than 0.0001%, and all indicators meet the communication requirements of remote control tire crane, especially reaching the top level of the industry in terms of low delay and high reliability, and leading the industry in 5g application field

持续推进智慧绿色枢纽港口建设为持续加强港口自动化数字化进程,2020年起,盐田港与中国电信、中兴通讯三方联合创新,开展5G+智慧港口创新应用探索,采用面向港口行业的5G精准云网建设盐田港智慧港口数字底座,搭建港口数字化平台架构,提供5G、云计算、AI等关键原子能力,并根据港口生产业务需求,孵化出5G VPN、5G双链路、业务异常分析等创新产品和解决方案,通过5G核心网下沉港区,确保用户数据不出港,满足业务时延要求,增强了5G链路的韧性


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