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12月10日,在深圳海关的统一部署,以及梅沙海关和大鹏海关的共同推动下,由物流公司负责建设和运营的盐田港MCC国际中转集拼分拨中心顺利启动,MCC国际中转集拼业务首试成功多国集拼(Muti-Country Consolidation,即MCC)物流模式是衡量港口国际化程度的一项重要指标


MCC international transit centralized distribution center is a logistics company that, in accordance with the requirements of Meisha customs to actively expand MCC innovative business, completed the engineering transformation required for MCC business supervision in 21 warehouses in a short period of two weeks, and launched the operation of the "MCC salt field" mode center with high quality and efficiency according to the scheduled plan. The smooth landing of the center will help reduce the logistics cost of enterprises, improve the efficiency of customs clearance of goods, and improve the convenience of cross-border trade, At the same time, enriching the service functions of Yantian comprehensive bonded zone plays an important role in gathering high value-added port logistics industry and improving the status of Yantian Port as an international cargo distribution center

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