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From November 25 to 27, the planning and construction department and the human resources department of Yantian Port Group held a special training on the improvement of project management in Pingshan. Xu Ning, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chairman of the board of supervisors of the group, Qiao Hongwei, vice president, Li Miao, chief financial officer, Xiao Mingjun, chief engineer, and Tao Xuliang, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the group participated in the training. A total of more than 100 heads of departments and offices of the group system, wholly-owned holding enterprises and project managers participated in the training



Engineering construction projects are an important starting point to promote the operation and development of the group, and also an important carrier for the group to accelerate the pace of development, seek great development and achieve the grand blueprint. He put forward four requirements for students: first, to ensure quality, second, to ensure project progress, third, to ensure cost, and fourth, to ensure safety (including construction safety and integrity safety)



The three-day training course is intensive, with both simple professional theory explanation and rich and detailed case analysis. Students are proactive in asking questions in class, ask teachers modestly during recess, communicate frequently on the industry and current difficulties, and seize the opportunity to improve their ability and work level. Students agree that this course arrangement is novel and practical, which not only explains the blind spots of knowledge, It also shared the most advanced engineering construction management experience and innovative technology at home and abroad, providing a new idea for the future work

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