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修缮通村幸福路 置业捐资来帮忙

为实实在在帮助村民解决问题,切实推进精准扶贫工作,11月7日,置业公司在河源石福村村委捐资2.5万元用于石福村岐山公路尖田角路基维修项目,并亲切慰问了结对帮扶的贫困户IMG_4601 2.JPG此前,置业公司在得知石福村岐山公路被暴雨冲毁,未进行修缮,导致村民们出行不便后,积极向驻村干部了解修缮道路需要的资金需求,沟通捐建事宜


The real estate company and his party came to Shifu village and handed over the assistance funds to the village committee in time. The village committee thanked the real estate company for its care and help. A villager said, "the road is easy to go, and the villagers' travel is convenient. Coupled with the support of the national poverty alleviation policy, the villagers will work hard and fight this battle to get rid of poverty."


”Subsequently, the real estate company and its delegation visited the poor households who were helped in pairs, sent them daily necessities and consolation money, had a cordial conversation with them, asked about their production and living conditions and current difficulties, and encouraged them to continue to carry forward the spirit of down-to-earth and self-reliance with the care of the party and the help of governments at all levels and village teams, work hard for happiness, In exchange for a happy life

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