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On October 29, Yantian Port Group and Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co., Ltd. held a strategic cooperation agreement signing ceremony in Shenzhen Bay science and technology ecological park. Liu Nanan, President of Yantian Port Group, and Zhu Xinhong, President of Zhenye Group signed the agreement on behalf of the two sides. Zhao Hongwei, chairman of Zhenye group, Chen Qiang, chairman of the board of supervisors, Zhang Guangliu, Li Wei, Yang Xiaodong, vice presidents of Yantian Port Group, Sun Bo, chairman of Yantian Port Group, ye Zhongxiao, Wang Yan, vice presidents Qiao Hongwei and Peng Hongbo witnessed the signing



Zhu Xinhong introduced the overall structure and operation of Zhenye group in detail, which fully demonstrated the development advantages of standardized enterprise management, outstanding team ability and leading professional level. Li Wei introduced the expansion of Zhenye group in shed renovation and agent construction business and the progress of research on dachanwan area project. Zhao Hongwei was full of confidence in the cooperation between the two sides



He said that Ganzhou port is an important inland port in Jiangxi, and it is also an important project of the group at present. Yantian group will strive to build Ganzhou port into an international logistics distribution center in central and southern China in accordance with the mode of "one city, one port and one main body", and help Ganzhou build an important node city of the "the Belt and Road". Sun Bo said that this signing is a good opportunity to promote the development of Yantian Port Group


It is hoped that both sides will actively give full play to their respective advantages, achieve economic benefits of 1+1 greater than 2, jointly promote the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets, and promote the expansion and strengthening of state-owned enterprises. Next, Yantian Port Group will actively promote the development of the rear land area, strengthen the connection between the front and the rear, and promote the integrated development of port, industry and city while accelerating the port layout and promoting the transformation of port and shipping industry. Zhenye group is welcome to actively participate in it, Work together to innovate the cooperative development mode of "industry city integration", carry out in-depth cooperation in multiple fields and modes, and achieve win-win results

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