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As one of the important activities of the 2019 China marine economy Expo, on October 14, under the guidance of the Ministry of natural resources of the people's Republic of China, the international forum of blue economy entrepreneurs, hosted by the China Ocean Development Foundation and hosted by Yantian Port Group, was successfully held at the Wuzhou guest house in Shenzhen. Wang Hong, member of the Party group of the Ministry of natural resources and director of the State Oceanic Administration, and Xu Ruisheng, vice governor of Guangdong Province, came from Portugal, Cambodia Ministerial officials from Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Pacific island development forum attended the meeting, and more than 380 guests from more than 100 enterprise representatives, experts and scholars in the fields of marine oil and gas, marine emerging industries, port transportation, engineering equipment and so on gathered to discuss the development plan of the blue economy




Zhang Zhanhai, chief engineer of the Ministry of natural resources, released the 2019 China marine economic development report, and he Guangshun, director of the National Marine Information Center, released the 2019 China marine economic development index. At the same time, the blue economy international alliance was officially announced to be established. So far, nearly 170 Chinese and foreign enterprises have signed up for the alliance


In addition, the opening ceremony also held the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the China Ocean Development Foundation and the Pacific Island Development Forum on cooperation in blue economy and marine spatial planning. Chairman Sun Bo made suggestions on the development of marine industry in Shenzhen. After the opening ceremony, there was a keynote speech on the agenda of the forum. Li Jiabiao, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and director of the second Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of natural resources, Paul holthas, President and CEO of the world ocean Council, lihuajun, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and vice president of Ocean University of China, Wu Haifeng, vice president and general manager of Greater China of Valspar digital, Sun Bo, chairman of Yantian Port Group, tolsten tiller, founder of the global ocean trust foundation, Bao Haisen, director of vehicle networking strategic planning of Huawei wireless network strategy and business development department, Xiexiaoping, deputy director of Xi'an Institute of Optics and mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other experts, scholars and enterprise representatives delivered speeches on the theme of the forum "cooperation, innovation and development"




The second is to promote win-win cooperation and the establishment of the marine industry alliance. It is suggested to promote the establishment of the Shenzhen marine industry alliance by enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, industry associations, etc., to promote the integration of industry, University, research and application industry chains based on the market, give full play to the resource advantages of the alliance's member units, and create a platform for exchange and cooperation between marine departments, a platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the marine industry, a think tank service platform, and an investment attraction platform


Third, we should pool resources, build platforms, cultivate and improve the marine industry chain. Shenzhen should give full play to its advantages in science and technology and capital, actively introduce high-end technology, build an internationally influential and competitive marine platform enterprise, promote the extension of marine related industries to the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain in a market-oriented manner, promote the high-level aggregation and development of marine industrial resources, and quickly form a world-class marine industry cluster


Fourth, we should strengthen the support of marine finance. It is suggested to create a good financing environment for the development of marine industry, accelerate the establishment of the international marine development bank and the marine industry development fund, strengthen cooperation with Hong Kong in the field of marine finance, promote the agglomeration of marine financial elements, and gradually form a marine financial center. Fifth, we should improve the research and development capacity of marine science and technology


We should vigorously cultivate and introduce marine scientific and technological talents, strengthen the research on key core technologies of marine science and technology, and promote the settlement of marine colleges and universities and innovative sea related scientific research institutions in Shenzhen. Sun Bo said that Yantian Port Group is a large state-owned enterprise group related to sea in Shenzhen, which can give full play to the functions of Shenzhen's marine industry platform and industry empowerment


In the next step, Yantian Port Group will take its own resources as the platform, capital as the link, market-oriented, and high-quality projects as the carrier, strengthen the integration of marine resources, integrate the upstream and downstream industrial chains of the marine industry, and improve the concentration and value of the marine industry chain. The group will help Shenzhen build an international shipping center, build a marine science and technology industry cluster, build a comprehensive support base for deep and distant seas, and build an international marine culture base, Accelerate the development of Shenzhen's marine industry and boost the construction of Shenzhen as a global marine center city


After President Liu Nan'an and industry experts discussed the theme of green development, 24 enterprise representatives, experts and scholars from various fields of marine economy held three thematic discussions around the three topics of "marine engineering equipment", "marine oil and gas reserves and marine emerging industries", "green ports and shipping" and the current hot issues of marine economic development



Asbjorn bigo, chief financial officer and business development manager of Knox technologies, and Shi Yingtong, general manager of policy and regulation affairs of Maersk (China) Co., Ltd., shared the application of new environmental protection technologies in promoting the development of green shipping and green ports. Dilip sarund, director of Singapore shantu Ship Technology Consulting Co., Ltd., said that the development of green shipping should focus on the development of environmentally friendly ships through cooperative research and development, And reduce the R & D expenses of various stakeholders



Su yunian, general manager of Yantian International Engineering Department, said in his speech that as one of the busiest container terminals in the world, Yantian international has always insisted on promoting the sustainable development of the port in the way of energy conservation and low emissions. In recent years, through the implementation of a series of measures such as the construction and application of shore power for berthing ships, the use of clean energy LNG, and improving the emergency disposal capacity of oil spills in the port basin, Yantian international has fulfilled its commitment to "blue harbor and green world", Build a green port with practical actions


Liu Nan'an summarized the thematic discussion. He said that this discussion presented the current development path of green and intelligent development of the port and shipping industry. With the development of society, intelligence and green will become the main melody of the global port and shipping industry. Enterprises will also face the collision between existing technologies and traditional models. Only by constantly improving the standard system management, strengthening technology research and development, and upgrading the traditional port and shipping industry, can enterprises achieve long-term sustainable development


At the closing ceremony, pan Xinchun, Secretary General of the China Ocean Development Foundation, made a concluding speech, expressing his gratitude to the guests and sorting out the forum results. The blue economy entrepreneurs International Forum was a complete success

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