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高温现场送清凉 丝丝关爱沁心脾——集团工会联合会开展送清凉活动


On the morning of September 11, entrusted by the Party committee of Yantian Port Group, the trade union federation of Yantian Port Group carried out cooling activities for front-line employees of 18 grass-roots trade unions, and distributed 750 pieces of heatstroke prevention and cooling consolation products on site (150 of which were sponsored by Shenzhen Federation of trade unions). The objects of consolation included outdoor engineering construction technicians, patrol personnel, on-site operators of outdoor operations at the wharf, road maintenance workers of roads and tunnels, refueling workers at gas stations and other high-temperature workers

(慰问物流公司一线员工图/朱雪宾) (慰问保开公司一线员工




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