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积极推进广泛合作 拓展跨境液态食品新领域——盐田港与Milkway、勤智资本签订三方战略合作意向书

9月9日,盐田港集团与荷兰Milkway公司、深圳前海勤智国际资本管理有限公司在海港大厦签订了战略合作意向书荷兰Milkway创始人Diederik Brasser、勤智资本董事长汤大杰、盐田港集团董事长孙波、副总裁乔宏伟、董事会秘书陈彪,集团董事会秘书处、投资发展部、深汕港口公司相关人员参加了仪式

On September 9, Yantian Port Group signed a letter of intent for strategic cooperation with the Netherlands' Milkway company and Shenzhen Qianhai Qinzhi International Capital Management Co., Ltd. in the harbor building, Diederik, the founder of the Netherlands' Milkway



Next, the group will carry out extensive cooperation with milkways and Qinzhi capital in the field of liquid food, expand the cross-border liquid food industry in China, and jointly carry out liquid food procurement, transportation, storage, sub packaging and processing, park development and construction, B2B e-commerce platform construction and operation and other businesses

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