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On July 31, Sun Bo, chairman of Yantian Port Group, ye Zhongxiao, Qiao Hongwei, Peng Hongbo, vice presidents, and personnel from relevant headquarters departments and subordinate enterprises attended the joint meeting of district and port co construction. The meeting was presided over by Yang Jun, head of Yantian District. The two sides discussed a number of issues related to the coordinated development of the district and port. Shi Weigan, executive deputy head of Yantian District, Zhou Min, deputy head of Yantian District, and heads of relevant departments of the district government and Meisha customs attended the meeting



The meeting was pragmatic and efficient. Both the district and Hong Kong reached a series of consensus on relevant issues, which further consolidated the development foundation of District Hong Kong linkage and mutually beneficial symbiosis. Yang Jun praised Yantian Port Group for seizing the new opportunities for the development of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay District, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the comprehensive bonded area, and highlighting the responsibilities of state-owned enterprises. He said that Yantian port is a key force in the economic and social development of Yantian District, and the district Party committee and district government will fully support the development of Yantian port


The two sides should further strengthen the linkage between the district and the port, actively promote industrial innovation, make up for the shortcomings of industrial development, speed up the integration into the construction of Dawan District, and promote the development of Yantian District to a higher level. Sun Bo said that Yantian Port Group will resolutely fulfill the political, social and economic responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, consciously implement the decisions of Party committees and governments at all levels, take the initiative to assume and act, and develop through the integration of port, industry and city, Strive to be the main force and new force in building Shenzhen into a global marine central city, and make due contributions to the economic and social development of Yantian District


At the meeting, Yantian Port Group and Yantian District government also reached a cooperation agreement on the school running site of Haihua kindergarten

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