On July 1, in combination with the in-depth education on the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission firmly in mind", Yantian Port Group held a "July 1" commendation conference in the annex building of Yantian international building to celebrate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the party. Sun Bo, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the group, taught special party courses. Members of the Party committee, members of the management team, middle-level managers of the group system, secretaries and deputy secretaries of Party organizations, commended advanced grass-roots party organizations, excellent party members More than 260 outstanding party workers and party representatives attended the meeting
作为主题教育的内容之一,孙波以《不忘初心,把准新时代发展方位 牢记使命,打造新征程盐港铁军》为题,向全体党员讲授了一堂主题突出、意义深刻、内容丰富、贴合实际的党课围绕“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育、粤港澳大湾区建设等主题,孙波深入剖析了盐田港人的初心和使命,强化了责任和担当
As one of the contents of the theme education, Sun Bo took the development orientation of the quasi new era with "never forget the original intention"
Actively strive to be a new force and main force, and transform the political advantages of state-owned enterprises into the development advantages of state-owned enterprises
Sun Bo requested that the group should take the initiative to benchmark benchmark benchmark enterprises in the industry, absorb excellent development experience with the spirit of "taking doctrine", and seek the long-term development of the group. Sun Bo's teaching not only closely follows the theme education, but also has the height of theory, as well as vivid data and examples, and conforms to the reality of the group, so that the majority of Party members have greatly broadened their horizons, unified their understanding, and are encouraged
The Party committee of the group commended 10 advanced grassroots party organizations such as the second party branch of the group headquarters, the Party branch of Huangshi Xingang Port Co., Ltd., and the second party branch of Yantian international organ, 29 excellent party workers such as Xu Qingyan, Yuan Jian, Jin Liang, and 76 Excellent Communist Party members such as Li Yutian, Shi Yihong, and Lu Shangbin
The conference ended with the loud sound of the Internationale