他指出,“16+1”中东欧国家馆旨在打造全球进口商品综合物流商贸平台,欢迎乌干达友人在港口运营、货物运输、商品展示等方面与集团作进一步的沟通和交流,共同寻求业务往来和经贸合作的广阔空间Solomon Rutega表示,乌干达淡水资源丰富,土壤肥沃,国民经济70%来源于农业, “16+1”中东欧国家馆的商业运营模式可以为乌干达的农业发展及农产品加工出口提供更多的可能性,希望双方共同谋求合作机会
He pointed out that the "16+1" central and Eastern European countries Pavilion aims to build a global integrated logistics and trade platform for imported goods, and welcomes Ugandan friends to further communicate and exchange with the group in port operation, cargo transportation, commodity display and other aspects, and jointly seek a broad space for business exchanges and economic and trade cooperation Solomon
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