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6月17日,在《亚洲货运资讯》(Asia Cargo News)主办的亚洲货运、物流及供应链大奖(Asian Freight,Logistics and Supply Chain Awards,简称AFLAS)颁奖典礼上,盐田港区荣获 “最佳绿色集装箱码头(Best Green Container Terminal)”大奖

On June 17, in Asia

这是继2018年 “亚洲最佳集装箱码头”后,盐田港区获得的又一项AFLAS大奖作为全球最繁忙的集装箱码头,2018年,盐田港区完成了1316万标箱,同比增长3.6%,创历史新高


Under the situation of surging world economy this year, the monthly throughput of Yantian port area still maintained a stable development trend, with a year-on-year increase of 4.4% from January to May. Yantian port area is committed to building an intelligent, green and world-class port, providing professional, efficient and reliable port services, using modern science and technology to innovate terminal technology, upgrade terminal management system, develop green and intelligent projects in various aspects, and promote the sustainable development of the port


Among them, the shore power technology of Yantian port area has always been at the forefront of the industry. It is a shore power demonstration project of the Ministry of transport. Yantian port area now has six sets of power supply systems, covering 16 berths, with a coverage rate of 80%. It is a container terminal with the largest shore power supply capacity and the largest number of berths in China's coastal ports, which can meet the power demand of the world's largest container ships


At the same time, Yantian port area is the first port in China to promote the gantry crane oil to electricity project on a large scale. It is also the first port in China to use LNG trailers in batches. The railway service of Yantian port area can reduce the pollution caused by the exhaust emission of container trucks in the long-distance and large-scale cargo transportation. In the past five years, the energy consumption per standard container in Yantian port area has been reduced by 16%, and the carbon emission has been reduced by 13%. It has been awarded ISO environmental management system certification for many times

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