6月6日,荷兰Milkway公司创始人Diederik Brasser与前海勤智资本公司董事长汤大杰一行拜访盐田港集团,与集团董事长孙波、副总裁彭洪波、董事会秘书陈彪进行座谈,各方就液态食品产业相关的港口和物流等问题进行深入探讨
On June 6, Diederik, the founder of Milkway company in the Netherlands
Sun Bo said that the development of port and logistics industries related to liquid food is in line with the group's development strategy. All parties can actively give full play to their strengths, work together to build an industrial service platform, gather industrial elements, strive to integrate upstream and downstream resources of the industrial chain, and further explore space for deeper economic and trade cooperation