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6月6日上午,盐田港葡萄牙集采中心揭牌仪式在里斯本沃斯集团葡萄牙公司举行盐田港集团总裁刘南安出席仪式,并与沃思集团葡萄牙公司负责人David Lopez就如何开展葡萄牙集采中心相关工作交换了意见集团副总裁王彦及大铲湾公司、物流公司、保开公司相关负责人参加了揭牌仪式

On the morning of June 6, the unveiling ceremony of Yantian Port Portugal centralized mining center was held in Lisbon Vos group Portugal company. Liu Nanan, President of Yantian Port Group, attended the ceremony and met with David, head of Vos group Portugal company


盐田港葡萄牙集采中心的设立,标志着盐田港集团“16+1”中东欧国家馆正式向西欧大陆延伸,通过东西联动,进一步开发欧洲港口物流市场,并成为盐田港 “16+1”波兰集采中心的有益补充,加快促进集团“16+1”中东欧国家馆的建设

The establishment of Yantian Port Portugal centralized mining center marks the official extension of the "16+1" central and Eastern European National Pavilion of Yantian Port Group to the Western European continent. Through the East-West linkage, it further develops the European port logistics market and becomes Yantian port

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