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葡萄牙时间6月5日上午,盐田港集团总裁刘南安率队调研葡萄牙锡尼什港,双方在港口物流合作方面进行了深入交流集团副总裁王彦及大铲湾公司、物流公司、保开公司相关负责人陪同调研锡尼什港负责人Duarte Lynce De Faria详细介绍了港口基本情况,并表达了与盐田港集团加强多领域合作的意愿


Sinesh port is the largest port in Portugal, with a water depth of 28 meters and a superior geographical location. It is an important port for Portuguese container and energy transportation. It is also the only port in Portugal that can dock the world's largest container ship. It has Portugal's largest railway freight platform and operates more than 5000 inland container trains every year


Liu Nan'an introduced the basic situation of Yantian Port Group. He said that Yantian Port Group actively served the construction of the national "the Belt and Road" and steadily promoted overseas port investment projects. He expected both sides to give full play to their respective advantages, make good use of the superior geographical location of the port of sinesh, make it become the Atlantic Gateway of the "the Belt and Road" to Europe, and further promote the interconnection of the Eurasian continent

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