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波兰时间6月2日上午,盐田港“16+1”集采中心揭牌仪式在沃斯集团波兰公司举行盐田港集团总裁刘南安出席仪式,并与沃思集团波兰公司总裁Gonzalo Veloso、中国驻波兰大使馆经济商务处参赞徐晓峰等就推进“16+1”集采中心平稳运营和加强经贸合作深入交换意见

On the morning of June 2, polish time, the unveiling ceremony of the "16+1" centralized mining center of Yantian Port was held in the Polish company of worth group. Liu Nanan, President of Yantian Port Group, attended the ceremony and met with Gonzalo, President of worth group Poland



Liu Nan'an said that Yantian Port Group, as a large state-owned port industry group, has been closely following the national "the Belt and Road" initiative "16+1" centralized mining center. It is the first centralized mining center of the 16+1 National Pavilion of Yantian Port Group set up overseas and an important milestone for Yantian port and worth to work together. Yantian Port Group will fully support the construction of the center and strive to provide a smooth trade and cultural exchange channel between China and central and Eastern European countries

Gonzalo Veloso表示,借助盐田港“16+1”集采中心的平台,沃斯集团将与盐田港集团倾力合作,为广大中国消费者提供更多更好的中东欧产品,也为中东欧企业提供更直接准确的中国市场资讯徐晓峰表示,希望盐田港集团和沃斯集团进一步加强沟通与交流,及时把握市场行情,增进务实合作,提升“16+1”合作在中东欧国家的开放度和吸引力


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