4月17日,盐田港集团规划建设部、置业公司全体党员一同前往河源石福村开展“结对帮扶 助力美丽乡村”爱心捐赠活动根据集团扶贫工作的统筹部署,置业公司从生产、学习和急需品方面着手,向石福村捐赠了一批打印机、电脑等物品,完善基础配套设备
Party members visited the poverty-stricken households in pairs, understood the living and production conditions, and encouraged them to get rid of poverty as soon as possible. In the past three years, the real estate company has been concerned about the development of Shifu village, carried out in-depth poverty alleviation work, and helped the poverty-stricken households in pairs to achieve the "eight indicators" of poverty alleviation, and improved their own "hematopoietic" function
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