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4月18日,盐田港集团董事长孙波、总裁刘南安在海港大厦会见了中国中铁建工集团董事长张建喜一行双方就惠盐高速改扩建项目进展及 “廉洁示范工程”建设等情况进行了深入沟通交流集团纪委书记兼监事会主席徐宁、副总裁乔宏伟,纪检监察室、规划建设部、股份公司相关负责人出席座谈会

On April 18, Sun Bo, chairman of Yantian Port Group, and Liu Nan'an, President of Yantian Port Group, met with Zhang Jianxi, chairman of China Railway Construction Engineering Group, and his party at Haigang building. The two sides discussed the progress of the reconstruction and expansion project of Huiyan Expressway and



As the general contractor of the project, the project department overcame many difficulties, ensured the construction progress and quality, and gave full play to the comprehensive strength of China Railway Construction Engineering Group in terms of development quality, brand reputation, operation and maintenance management, integrity and safety. Yantian port group looks forward to further expanding the field of cooperation with China Railway Construction Engineering Group to achieve mutual benefit, win-win results and common development


Zhang Jianxi briefly introduced the historical evolution, main business and market distribution of China Railway Construction Engineering Group, reviewed the good cooperation history of the two sides, and said that China Railway Construction Engineering Group will actively respond to the requirements of Yantian Port Group, continue to strengthen the reconstruction and expansion project construction of Huiyan expressway, build a "clean demonstration project" with high standards, and actively explore the mode and path of multi field cooperation between the two sides to open a new chapter of in-depth cooperation

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