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3月1日,根据深圳市关于严格落实有限空间作业的规定,物流公司在现代物流中心一期A栋缓冲场开展有限空间应急救援预案演练物流公司管理人员、生产一线人员、租仓客户代表约110人参加此次演练 此次演练主要以救援为主,现场对个人防护用具、应急救援设备的穿戴和心肺复苏的操作要领进行讲解


This plan drill fully learned the lessons of the recent limited space poisoning accident in Dongguan, improved the emergency response ability of the company's relevant personnel and the practical operation level of the emergency rescue team, effectively implemented the main responsibility of safety production, and curbed such safety accidents

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