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5月7日晚,盐田港区迎来目前全球最大运载量的集装箱船——现代商船阿尔赫西拉斯轮(HMM Algeciras)首航这艘“巨无霸”集装箱船,全长约400米、宽61米,长度接近深圳京基100大厦的高度,甲板面积近4个足球场

On the evening of May 7, Yantian Port ushered in the maiden voyage of the "Big Mac" container ship HMM Algeciras, the world's largest container ship, with a total length of about 400 meters, a width of 61 meters, a length close to the height of Shenzhen Jingji 100 building, and a deck area of nearly four football fields




Jingbao app reporter learned that there are 20 large deep-water berths in the port area, with a berth utilization length of 9078 meters and a port pool depth of 17.6 meters. Super large ships can enter and leave the port area all day, equipped with 85 super large shore cranes, which can dock five of the world's largest 200000 ton ships at the same time. The stacking area is 417 hectares, which can accommodate 400000 TEUs at the same time


The port area adopts technologies such as automatic gate and remote shore crane operation to improve the operation efficiency. At the same time, it continues to develop port area supporting logistics services such as sea rail intermodal transportation and barge transportation, so as to timely meet the needs of customers for a variety of businesses. It is worth mentioning that Yantian port area is also one of the container terminals with the largest shore power supply capacity and the largest number of berths in China's coastal ports, and it is also at the forefront of the industry in terms of environmental protection


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