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5月7日晚,盐田国际迎来目前全球最大运载量的集装箱船——“HMM Algeciras(现代商船阿尔赫西拉斯)”轮首航记者了解到,这艘“巨无霸”全长约400米、宽61米,长度接近深圳第二高楼京基100大厦的高度,甲板面积近4个足球场;可装载23964个标箱,箱子首尾相连可以从深圳一路连到广州(约145公里)

On the evening of May 7, Yantian international welcomed the maiden voyage of HMM Algeciras, the world's largest container ship at present. The reporter learned that this "Big Mac" is about 400 meters long and 61 meters wide, close to the height of the Beijing base 100 building, the second tallest building in Shenzhen, and has a deck area of nearly four football fields; It can carry 23964 standard boxes, which can be connected from Shenzhen to Guangzhou (about 145 kilometers)

这是现代商船新建12艘24000标箱级超大型集装箱船中的第一艘,其他姐妹船也将在今年陆续交付“HMM Algeciras”轮将服务于THE联盟的亚欧航线,挂靠港序依次为青岛、釜山、宁波、上海、盐田、苏伊士运河、鹿特丹、汉堡、安特卫普、伦敦门户港


The reporter learned that Yantian international, as the preferred port for super large ships in South China, has attracted super large ships from all over the world with good water depth conditions and stable and efficient services. Yantian international now has 20 large deep-water berths, with a berth utilization length of 9078 meters and a pool depth of 17.6 meters. Super large ships can enter and leave all day



In terms of intelligence, there are frequent highlights. Technologies such as automatic gate and remote shore crane operation have improved the operation efficiency, and environmental protection has closely followed the industry trend. At present, it is one of the container terminals with the largest shore power supply capacity and the largest number of berths in China's coastal ports. In addition, the continuous development of sea rail intermodal transportation, barge transportation and other supporting logistics services ensures that customers' various business needs are met in a timely manner

读创/深圳商报记者 陈发清 通讯员 王喆

Du Chuang / Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Chen Faqing correspondent Wang Zhe

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