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刚过完春节,深圳大鹏湾畔的盐田港区,已是一派忙碌景象 2月20日,天还没亮,盐田国际集装箱码头已经车来车往随着闸口栏杆抬起,4辆满载着集装箱的拖车缓缓通过新A闸进闸通道,沉甸甸的货物和希望一同驶入盐田港

Just after the Spring Festival, Yantian port area on the Bank of Dapeng Bay in Shenzhen is already a busy scene. On February 20, before dawn, cars have come and gone to Yantian international container terminal. With the gate railing raised, four trailers loaded with containers slowly pass through the new gate a and enter the gate channel. Heavy goods and hope drive into Yantian port area together

港区内,一排排岸吊如“钢铁巨人”般将万吨巨轮上的集装箱卸下码头,又将码头上成千上万的集装箱送到船上 站在高处,望向远方,深蓝色的海洋上,货船徐徐行驶,忙碌的码头上,高耸云端的岸吊与成千上万个色彩绚烂的货柜交相辉映…… 一组数据可以形象地展示盐田港的实力和繁忙:港区内大型深水泊位20个,岸线总长8212米,水深达17.4米,全球最大20万吨级超大型船舶100%靠泊盐田港

In the port area, rows of shore cranes, like "steel giants", unloaded the containers on the 10000 ton giant ship from the wharf, and sent thousands of containers on the wharf to the ship. Standing high, looking into the distance, on the dark blue sea, cargo ships were slowly driving on the busy Wharf, The towering shore cranes and thousands of colorful containers complement each other... A set of data can vividly show the strength and busyness of Yantian Port: there are 20 large-scale deep-water berths in the port area, with a total length of 8212 meters and a water depth of 17.4 meters, and 100% of the world's largest 200000 ton super large ships berth in Yantian port


As the core port area of Shenzhen port, the container throughput of Yantian port area reached 13.1597 million TEUs in 2018, with a year-on-year increase of 3.59%. The scale and efficiency of a single port area ranked among the top in the world. It was once rated as the "best port in Asia". The scale and efficiency of a single port area ranked among the top in the world, and it is the port area with the most intensive international routes in South China

在实现经济效益增长的同时,盐田港集团还立足母港,放眼海内外,全方位进行港口布局,发力“大海港”体系,在粤港澳大湾区提前布局 惠州荃湾煤炭港一期主体已全面建成并迎来首船靠泊,未来该港口将被打造成为粤东乃至华南重要的煤炭码头,在保障区域资源安全、推动深化对外能源合作方面发挥重要作用

While realizing the growth of economic benefits, Yantian Port Group also bases itself on its home port, takes an all-round view at home and abroad, makes full use of the "big harbor" system, and plans in advance in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area. The main body of Huizhou Tsuen Wan Coal Port Phase I has been fully completed and ushered in the first ship berthing. In the future, the port will be built into an important coal wharf in eastern Guangdong and even southern China, which will ensure the safety of regional resources Play an important role in deepening foreign energy cooperation

位于深汕特别合作区的小漠港项目也已完成项目核准并进入填海施工阶段 海外方面,盐田港集团稳妥推进港口项目投资,积极完成埃及亚历山大港等港口的立项工作,及时跟踪印尼产业园项目进展,踊跃参与国家项目推介活动,寻求海外投资机会

The Xiaomo port project located in the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has also completed the project approval and entered the reclamation construction stage. Overseas, Yantian Port Group has steadily promoted the investment in port projects, actively completed the project approval of ports such as Alexandria, Egypt, timely tracked the progress of Indonesian industrial park projects, actively participated in national project promotion activities, and sought overseas investment opportunities


Relying on the port industry, taking the comprehensive deepening of reform as the engine and the construction of major projects as the impetus, Yantian Port Group is steadily building a "big harbor" system, striving to form a port pattern with both Haihe River and Haihe River, reasonable layout, complete functions, complementary advantages and high degree of modernization, and building itself into a "pacesetter" in the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area


The reporter learned from the working idea of Yantian District of Shenzhen on actively integrating and serving the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area that the district will also take Yantian port area as the starting point, strive to establish a Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area Port Alliance in Yantian, learn from the advanced experience of the coordinated development of port groups in the Tokyo Bay area, actively promote the cooperation and exchange between Yantian port and Hong Kong port, Nansha port, Zhuhai port, Humen Port and other ports, and strengthen the development and construction of ports, the planning and layout of international dry ports The complementary and misplaced competition of resources in business and other fields enables each port to operate independently internally and have a clear division of labor, while forming a unified whole externally


Strive to establish the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao shipping exchange in Yantian, publish the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao shipping index, timely communicate shipping dynamic information, improve shipping service level, and strive to become a global shipping hub management center

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