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2018年,在复杂的经济形势下,盐田港集团主动作为,交出了来之不易的成绩单盐田港集团集装箱吞吐量保持了增长势头,全年吞吐量达1438.93万标箱,同比增长2.58%,约占深圳港的55.91% 据统计,2018年深圳港集装箱吞吐量达2573.59万标箱,同比增长2.09%

其中盐田港集装箱吞吐量1315.97万标箱,同比增长3.59%,大铲湾港区集装箱吞吐量122.96万标箱,同比减少7.13% 2018年,盐田港集团完善港区配套设施,积极拓展内外贸航线,将腹地范围延伸至东莞、江门、韶关、河源、长沙、津市、赣州等周边省市,全力提升业务量;提升码头服务质量,以高标准的服务稳固现有客户;充分发挥港区后方的物流中心、“16+1”中东欧国家馆以及汽车、粮食、农产品、钢材等商贸项目资源优势,加强对码头业务支持,利用深水港的优势吸引了超大型船舶停靠

Among them, the container throughput of Yantian port area was 13.1597 million TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 3.59%, and the container throughput of dachanwan port area was 1.2296 million TEUs, a year-on-year decrease of 7.13%. In 2018, Yantian port group improved the supporting facilities of the port area, actively expanded domestic and foreign trade routes, extended the hinterland to Dongguan, Jiangmen, Shaoguan, Heyuan, Changsha, Tianjin, Ganzhou and other surrounding provinces and cities, and made every effort to improve business volume; Improve the service quality of the wharf and stabilize existing customers with high standard services; Give full play to the logistics center behind the port, "16+1" central and Eastern European national pavilion, as well as the resource advantages of commercial projects such as automobiles, grain, agricultural products, steel, etc., strengthen the support for Wharf business, and take advantage of the advantages of deep-water port to attract super large ships to dock


It is understood that Yantian port area is a container hub port with good foreign trade, and the foreign trade container throughput accounts for more than 90% of the total throughput. The import and export trade situation in Guangdong and even South China directly affects the container throughput of Shenzhen port. At the same time, Dachan Bay Port Area is located in the core of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area, adjacent to Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone, and has the ability to radiate in depth to Huizhou, Dongguan and other hinterland, Tap more potential demand and market


In addition, the container throughput of Huangshi new port invested and operated by Yantian Port Group reached 41923 TEUs, and the throughput of bulk cargo reached more than 12 million tons, both achieving year-on-year growth

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