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南方日报:盐田港集团 全力向世界一流港口企业迈进

坐标东经114°1500,北纬22°3400 30多年前,乘着改革开放东风,深圳大鹏湾畔传来开山炮响,在荒滩上拉开世界级大港的建设序幕 33年间,这里巨轮云集,岸吊林立,数以亿计的集装箱从这里进入中国,又驶往世界,一个现代化的世界级大港奇迹般崛起

The coordinates are 114 ° 1500 east longitude and 22 ° 3400 north latitude. More than 30 years ago, taking advantage of the east wind of reform and opening up, the sound of cannons came from the Bank of Dapeng Bay in Shenzhen, which opened the prelude to the construction of a world-class port on the barren beach. In 33 years, huge ships gathered here, shore cranes stood, hundreds of millions of containers entered China from here and sailed to the world, and a modern world-class port rose miraculously


港口连接着过去,亦昭示着未来 今年是深圳经济特区成立38周年,盐田港集团也已33岁,从小渔村到世界级港口盐田港的崛起靠什么借力粤港澳大湾区等国家战略的部署规划,以及前海深港现代服务业合作区的政策及区位优势,盐田港集团又将如何逐梦深蓝

The port connects the past and also indicates the future. This year is the 38th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Yantian Port Group is also 33 years old. From a small fishing village to a world-class port, how does the rise of Yantian Port rely on the deployment planning of national strategies such as Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area, as well as the policies and regional advantages of Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone? How will Yantian Port Group pursue its dream of dark blue

A 龙头引领33年铸就世界级一流大港 1985年春天,盐田——这个地处大鹏湾畔,荒凉、静寂、封闭的小渔村,在中国改革开放涌动的春潮声中悄然苏醒 这里有着可与当今世界任何国际大港相媲美的天然地理条件——大鹏湾海域达250平方公里,水深近14至21米,无泥沙淤积,无深海潜流,具有良好的避风条件

In the spring of 1985, Yantian, a desolate, quiet and closed fishing village located on the Bank of Dapeng Bay, quietly woke up in the spring tide of China's reform and opening up. It has natural geographical conditions comparable to any international port in the world today - the sea area of Dapeng Bay is 250 square kilometers, the water depth is nearly 14 to 21 meters, and there is no sediment deposition and deep-sea undercurrent, Have good shelter conditions

港区拥有可供兴建深水泊位的海岸线6.7公里,可供开发建设港口配套设施的后方陆域和港区面积17.96平方公里,是发展集装箱码头的理想之地 作为国家重点规划建设项目,1985年1月24日,深圳市人民政府批准成立了深圳东鹏实业有限公司,1994年将其更名为深圳盐田港集团有限公司,经营范围包括港口开发和经营、港区仓储等配套服务设施的开发与经营、疏港铁路经营管理、疏港隧道、公路等配套设施的建设与经营等

The port area has a coastline of 6.7 kilometers for the construction of deep-water berths, a rear land area for the development and construction of port supporting facilities, and a port area of 17.96 square kilometers. It is an ideal place for the development of container terminals. As a national key planning and construction project, on January 24, 1985, the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government approved the establishment of Shenzhen Dongpeng Industrial Co., Ltd., which was renamed as Shenzhen Yantian Port Group Co., Ltd. in 1994, The business scope includes port development and operation, development and operation of supporting service facilities such as port storage, operation and management of port railway, construction and operation of port tunnel, highway and other supporting facilities, etc

东方风来满眼春 伴随改革的深入推进,珠三角地区以其毗邻港澳的独特区位优势,为盐田港的成长营造了良好的市场环境,带来了难得的发展机遇盐田港抓住机遇,日夜拼搏,使港区及配套设备在短短几年内初步具备了对外开放的条件,并赢得了国际投资者的青睐

With the deepening of reform, the Pearl River Delta region, with its unique geographical advantages adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, has created a good market environment for the growth of Yantian port and brought rare development opportunities. Yantian Port seized the opportunity and worked hard day and night, making the port area and supporting equipment initially ready for opening up in just a few years and winning the favor of international investors

1994年7月20日,盐田港区响起了嘹亮的汽笛,“世界船王”马士基·阿尔基·西拉斯号集装箱船首航盐田港,成为盐田港开港后迎接的第一艘船舶,也是盐田港开通的第一条国际航线 1998年11月21日,装载6000个标箱的“科纳德马士基”首航盐田港,成为挂靠中国大陆港口的最大集装箱船

On July 20, 1994, a loud whistle sounded in the Yantian port area. The container ship Maersk alky Silas, the "world ship king", made its maiden voyage to Yantian port, becoming the first ship to be welcomed by Yantian port after its opening, and also the first international route opened by Yantian port. On November 21, 1998, the "Konad Maersk", loaded with 6000 TEUs, made its maiden voyage to Yantian port, becoming the largest container ship attached to the port of Chinese Mainland

2012年11月15日,盐田港区迎来运载量达16000标箱的全球最大集装箱船“达飞马可波罗”号 2013年7月全球最大20万吨级、装载18000标准箱的“马士基·迈克—凯尼·穆勒”号首航盐田港,标志着盐田港成为全球最大集装箱船在华南地区唯一的挂靠港

On November 15, 2012, Yantian Port ushered in the world's largest container ship "Da Fei Marco Polo" with a carrying capacity of 16000 TEUs. In July 2013, the world's largest 200000 tonnage and 18000 TEU loaded "Maersk Mike Kenny Muller" made its maiden voyage to Yantian port, marking that Yantian Port has become the only port of call for the world's largest container ship in South China

2014年1月24日,装载18000标准箱的全球最大集装箱船舶“美莉马士基”号和“美迪马士基”号同时停靠盐田港区在同一码头同时停靠并操作两艘18000标准箱的超大型船舶在世界均属罕见 2017年5月28日,可装载21413标箱的“东方香港”号在盐田港区靠泊

On January 24, 2014, the world's largest container ships carrying 18000 TEU, "Merrie Maersk" and "medi Maersk" docked at the same time in Yantian port area. It is rare in the world to dock and operate two super large ships with 18000 TEU at the same time. On May 28, 2017, the "Oriental Hong Kong" with 21413 TEU berthed in Yantian port area

该船舶总长399.8米、型宽58.8米、型深32.5米、设计吃水14.5米,再次刷新靠港大船纪录 至此,全球超过1万标箱的超大型船舶,几乎全部挂靠盐田港区,其密集的航线通达全球主要港口凭借17.4米的天然深水条件、20个大型集装箱深水泊位,先进的码头设施和突出的操作能力,盐田港区已成为大型船舶化时代集装箱船舶的首选良港,奠定了盐田港全球知名大港地位

The ship has a total length of 399.8 meters, a shape width of 58.8 meters, a shape depth of 32.5 meters, and a design draft of 14.5 meters. It has once again set a new record for large ships berthing at the port. So far, almost all the super large ships with more than 10000 TEU in the world are attached to Yantian port area, and its dense routes reach major ports in the world. With 17.4 meters of natural deep-water conditions, 20 large container deep-water berths, advanced wharf facilities and outstanding operating capabilities, Yantian port area has become the first choice for container ships in the era of large-scale shipbuilding, and has established the status of Yantian Port as a world-renowned port

B 主业升级产业协同再造港区发展新动能城因港立,港以城兴 传统主业之外,盐田港集团还集中力量发展港口投资、综合物流业、港口配套服务、临港产业等业务板块,以产业协同再造港区发展新动能 2004年可谓是盐田港集团自身发展中的一个重要拐点

B. upgrading the main industry, rebuilding the new kinetic energy of port development through industrial synergy. In addition to the establishment of the city by the port and the revitalization of the traditional main industry by the port, Yantian Port Group also focused on the development of port investment, comprehensive logistics, port supporting services, port industry and other business sectors. The reconstruction of the new kinetic energy of port development through Industrial Synergy in 2004 can be described as an important inflection point in the development of Yantian port group itself


In that year, the State Council approved Yantian port to build a 0.96 square kilometer area of regional port linkage. The combination of tax and customs policy advantages of "regional port linkage", the country's first shipping network and terminal operation efficiency greatly promoted Yantian Port Logistics Park to become a global procurement and distribution center and a distribution Center for transit container goods in South China

与环球物流设施及服务供应的巨头普洛斯公司合建国际物流园,引进包括力又、嘉里物流等世界知名物流企业,均促进了盐田港区后方物流业的快速发展 2010年,在深圳经济特区成立30周年之际,深圳市委、市政府明确制定了将盐田港建设为深圳“两翼齐飞”中重要一翼的战略决策,大力扶持盐田港做强做大

The joint construction of the international logistics park with global logistics facilities and service supply giant prospers and the introduction of world-renowned logistics enterprises including Liyou and Kerry Logistics have promoted the rapid development of the logistics industry behind Yantian port area. In 2010, on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the Shenzhen Municipal Party committee and government clearly formulated the strategic decision to build Yantian port into an important wing of Shenzhen's "two wings flying together", Vigorously support Yantian port to become stronger and bigger

自此,抓住市属港口资源重组机会,打造“深圳市港航产业航空母舰”,成为盐田港集团发展进程中的战略方向 这是一个里程碑,更是一个新的起点…… 2014年1月22日,盐田综合保税区获得国务院批复设立,这对促进珠三角加工贸易转型升级和对外贸易发展方式的转变、深化深港港口物流合作,具有重要意义

Since then, seizing the opportunity of resource reorganization of municipal ports and building "Shenzhen port and shipping industry aircraft carrier" has become the strategic direction in the new development process of Yantian Port Group. This is a milestone and a new starting point... On January 22, 2014, Yantian comprehensive bonded zone was approved and established by the State Council, which is conducive to promoting the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in the Pearl River Delta, the transformation of the development mode of foreign trade, and deepening the logistics cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong ports, Of great significance


As a leading enterprise in the zone, Yantian Port Group takes advantage of the policy advantages of Yantian comprehensive bonded zone to strive to build a professional international procurement center and international distribution center, and promote the transformation and upgrading of port and port industry. In dachanwan port area, Yantian Port Group has also developed and constructed dachanwan international trade and logistics center, world famous car Expo Center and other projects, and accelerated the development of emerging industries in dachanwan headquarters base, Vigorously promote the introduction of port trade related industries, and create a new port business circle around the headquarters economic construction

未来,盐田港区与大铲湾港区还将形成港口航运业与高端金融服务业,东西两翼并驾齐驱的发展新格局 上述之外,盐田港集团还与深汕特别合作区签署了战略合作协议,投资200多亿元在深汕特别合作区小漠地区建设国际物流港和临港工业园,意欲将其建成连接珠三角和福建的世界级大港,而这也将成为振兴粤东的战略性项目

In the future, Yantian port area and dachanwan port area will also form a new development pattern of port shipping industry and high-end financial service industry, with the East and West wings driving hand in hand. In addition to the above, Yantian Port Group has also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, investing more than 20 billion yuan to build an international logistics port and Port Industrial Park in the small desert area of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, aiming to build it into a world-class port connecting the Pearl River Delta and Fujian, This will also become a strategic project to revitalize eastern Guangdong

一系列的成就,标志着盐田港区的发展驶入了快车道,以港口规划建设、综合物流港口配套服务和疏港交通为主的产业链日趋完善,集装箱吞吐量的大幅增长更为深圳港成为世界级集装箱港口插上了腾飞的双翼 目前,这里已成为中国大陆远洋集装箱班轮最多、服务最全的港口之一

A series of achievements mark that the development of Yantian port area has entered the fast lane, and the industrial chain focusing on port planning and construction, integrated logistics, port supporting services and port dredging transportation is becoming more and more perfect. The substantial growth of container throughput has added two wings to the development of Shenzhen port into a world-class container port. At present, it has become one of the ports with the most ocean container liners and the most comprehensive services in Chinese Mainland


In 2017, the container throughput of the local port of Yantian port group exceeded 14million TEUs for the first time, exceeding 10 million TEUs for 10 consecutive years, with a total asset of 27.4 billion yuan and a profit of more than 1billion yuan for 13 consecutive years. The value preservation and appreciation rate of state-owned assets reached 104%, of which gas station companies, tugboat companies and insurance development companies all achieved double-digit growth

一个以港口建设投资与运营、综合物流以及港口配套服务业为主的大型企业集团日渐成形C 放眼内外全方位布局发力“大海港”体系 在实现经济效益增长的同时,盐田港集团还立足母港,放眼海内外,全方位进行港口布局,发力构建“大海港”体系

A large-scale enterprise group focusing on port construction investment and operation, comprehensive logistics and port supporting services is gradually taking shape. C. It has made an all-round layout of the "big harbor" system from both inside and outside. While achieving economic benefit growth, Yantian Port Group has also made an all-round port layout and made efforts to build the "big harbor" system based on its home port and at home and abroad


Domestically, take the initiative to plan and seize the opportunity to advance the layout in economic hot spots such as Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay area. In November 2017, the main body of Huizhou Tsuen Wan Coal Port Phase I was fully completed and ushered in the first ship berthing. It will be built into an important coal terminal in eastern Guangdong and even southern China, and will play an important role in ensuring the safety of regional resources and promoting the deepening of foreign energy cooperation

在海管运输的基础上,即将建成全长2.72公里的疏港铁路,实现海铁联运 全方位推进黄石新港建设,目前该港开通了近洋国际直航和固定始发班轮业务,贯通了铁水多式联运,2017年全年完成吞吐量722万吨,同比增长242%,实现营业收入7137万元,同比增长207%

On the basis of sea transportation, a 2.72 km port dredging railway will be built to realize sea railway combined transportation and comprehensively promote the construction of Huangshi new port. At present, the port has opened ocean international direct flights and fixed departure liner services, and has been connected with railway water multimodal transportation. In 2017, the throughput was 7.22 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 242%, and the operating revenue was 71.37 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 207%

完成新增5个泊位的投资,加快合资建设黄石港危化品码头,推动建设长江中游地区领先的黄石新港现代物流园,将打造成为集散货、件杂、集装箱装卸为一体现代化综合性绿色港口 此外,小漠港项目也已完成了项目核准并进入填海施工阶段

Complete the investment in five new berths, speed up the joint venture construction of Huangshi port dangerous chemicals wharf, and promote the construction of Huangshi new port modern logistics park, which is the leading one in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It will become a modern comprehensive green port integrating bulk cargo, miscellaneous cargo and container loading and unloading. In addition, the Xiaomo port project has also completed the project approval and entered the reclamation construction stage

为抢抓长江经济带发展机遇,泸州、泰州、南通、宜昌和马鞍山等长江沿线的港口项目正有序推进按照黄石新港“一城一港一主体”的港口发展模式,盐田港集团在长江沿线以点带面、联动发展的新格局即将形成 海外方面,盐田港集团稳妥推进港口项目投资,积极完成埃及亚历山大港等港口的立项工作,及时跟踪印尼产业园项目进展,踊跃参与国家项目推介活动,广泛寻求海外投资机会

In order to seize the development opportunities of the Yangtze River economic belt, port projects along the Yangtze River, such as Luzhou, Taizhou, Nantong, Yichang and Ma'anshan, are being promoted in an orderly manner. According to the port development mode of "one city, one port and one main body" of Huangshi new port, Yantian Port Group is about to form a new pattern of point to area and coordinated development along the Yangtze River. In terms of overseas aspects, Yantian Port Group is steadily promoting port project investment, Actively complete the project approval of ports such as Alexandria, Egypt, timely track the progress of Indonesian industrial park projects, actively participate in national project promotion activities, and widely seek overseas investment opportunities

其中,埃及亚历山大港股权项目已达成共识盐田港集团与和记港口签署全球合作战略框架协议,就埃及亚历山大港股权转让达成一致意见,并积极谋求泰国、缅甸、柬埔寨和巴基斯坦等国家港口投资机会D 逐梦未来加速向世界一流港口企业迈进港口连接着过去,亦昭示着未来

Among them, the Egyptian Alexandria equity project has reached a consensus. Yantian Port Group signed a global cooperation strategic framework agreement with Hutchison Port, reached an agreement on the equity transfer of Alexandria Port, Egypt, and actively sought investment opportunities in ports in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Pakistan and other countries. D. pursue the dream of the future, accelerate the pace towards world-class port enterprises. Ports connect the past, and also indicate the future

港口是世界所有临港城市不可再生的战略资源和核心竞争力临港城市的每一次兴衰变迁都与港口发展紧密相关,港口的升级转型,每每不露声色却又深远地影响着城市 站在新起点,湾区经济的趋势、信息时代的挑战、产业变革的压力,使得互联经济时代的港口航运,已不再单纯是舶位码头、仓储物流的中转运输,大数据背景下的客户零库存物流周转方案正在成形;全系统信息平台上流动的数据元素从订货、舱位、提单、转运、仓储、加工实现了全供应链服务;临港工业的进出口循环在拉动箱量的同时带来丰厚利润;丰富的金融衍生品以及投融资渠道为中小微企业注入了发展的活力,这是未来智能港口的雏形,也是盐田港的不懈追求…… 盐田港集团着力深化党建引领经营,以制度建设为重点,全面落实从严治党要求,积极发挥党委的领导作用,扎实推进基层党组织党建工作

Ports are the non renewable strategic resources and core competitiveness of all port cities in the world. Every rise and fall of port cities is closely related to the development of ports. The upgrading and transformation of ports often quietly but profoundly affects the city standing at a new starting point. The trend of bay area economy, the challenges of the information age, and the pressure of industrial reform make port shipping in the era of Internet economy no longer just a port For the transit transportation of warehousing logistics, the customer zero inventory logistics turnover scheme under the background of big data is taking shape; The data elements flowing on the system wide information platform realize the full supply chain services from ordering, shipping space, bill of lading, transshipment, warehousing and processing; The import and export cycle of port industry brings huge profits while driving the volume of containers; The rich financial derivatives and investment and financing channels have injected vitality into the development of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, which is the embryonic form of the future smart port and the unremitting pursuit of Yantian Port... Yantian Port Group focuses on deepening party construction and leading management, focuses on system construction, comprehensively implements the requirements of strictly administering the party, actively plays the leading role of the Party committee, and solidly promotes the party construction of grass-roots party organizations


Focusing on the goal of developing into a world-class port enterprise with global competitiveness, Yantian Port Group, relying on the port industry, taking comprehensively deepening reform as the engine, and promoting the construction of major projects, has steadily built a "big port" system, forming a port pattern with both Haihe River and Haihe River, reasonable layout, complete functions, complementary advantages, and a high degree of modernization


Among them, the National Pavilion model has been highly recognized by the outside world. The Spanish National Pavilion and the Slovenian National Pavilion won the 2017 Central Special Fund Award for foreign economic and trade development. In order to further extend the industrial chain and form a scale effect, on the basis of the Slovenian National Pavilion and the Spanish National Pavilion, Yantian Port Group actively prepared to build Thailand, "16+1" agricultural products (e-commerce) logistics center and exhibition hall and other projects


Three projects, namely, Yantian Port Asia Pacific Pan Pearl River Delta Europe international container multimodal transport and Huangshi new port rail water public transport in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, have been selected at various levels and successfully selected into the second batch of national multimodal transport demonstration projects, which are the only selected projects in their provinces

下一步,该集团还将继续加大多式联运建设力度,重点关注惠州荃湾煤炭港、黄石新港水陆运输体系构建,缓解来自城市交通、土地供给和环境保护等方面的压力,促进港口可持续发展和沿线地区经济平衡发展 深化信息技术创新,提升运营服务能力

In the next step, the group will also continue to strengthen the construction of multimodal transport, focusing on the construction of the water and land transportation system of Huizhou Tsuen Wan coal port and Huangshi new port, alleviate the pressure from urban transportation, land supply and environmental protection, promote the sustainable development of the port and the balanced development of the regional economy along the line, deepen information technology innovation, and improve the operation and service capacity


The logistics company built an "Internet + intelligent" warehousing management system, and applied advanced satellite positioning technology to warehousing and logistics for the first time. The loading and unloading efficiency was improved by 2.5 times, and the delivery error rate was significantly reduced. The information company successfully passed the national high-tech enterprise certification, obtained 10 national software copyrights, developed an "Internet + port integrated information service system", and opened up the information barrier in all links of the supply chain, Effectively improve the efficiency of import and export and service quality, and promote the facilitation of international trade


At the same time, Yantian Port Group has also accelerated the cultivation of a number of leading enterprises that can gradually occupy a leading position in the allocation of international resources, accelerated the cultivation of a number of leading enterprises with influence in the development of the global industry, and strive to make new breakthroughs in the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets

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