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近日,盐田港船舶作业传来喜讯,2天内连破两次单船作业纪录:分别以装卸21,472标箱和22,398标箱,先后创造了华南地区和全国单船作业量新纪录(正在盐田港作业中的 “地中海弗莱维亚”轮)8月17日,盐田港在“美总来福士”轮(APL RAFFLES)作业中,创下21,472标箱单船作业量,打破了于2020年创下的18,447标箱的纪录,同时创造了华南地区新纪录

仅仅过了两天,8月19日,盐田港作业“地中海弗莱维亚”轮(MSC FLAVIA)时,高效地完成了22,398标箱的单船作业量这次不仅再次刷新了盐田港区以及华南地区纪录,更是打破全国单船最大作业量的原有纪录,创造了历史新纪录

Only two days later, on August 19, Yantian Port was operating the "Mediterranean frevia" (MSc


In the face of the two ships with large operation volume and close operation time, Yantian port, according to its operation characteristics, strengthened the pre judgment, scientifically arranged the ship berth, berthing time, the assigned number of shore cranes, the location of storage yard, the focus of operation, etc., and the whole operation process was linked one by one, while promoting the combination of epidemic prevention and control and efficient production

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