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Vigorously promoting the construction of sponge city is a powerful measure for Shenzhen to implement the new development concept, consolidate and improve the effectiveness of water pollution control, strengthen urban waterlogging control, and build a water-saving model city. The sponge facilities of Banshan Yuehai garden project mainly include the garden landscape of roof garden, sunken green space, outdoor pervious pavement, rainwater recycling, etc


Among them, rainwater recovery is divided into two parts: infiltration and collection and reuse. Surface runoff is reduced through infiltration measures such as green space infiltration and pervious pavement. At the same time, rainwater is collected by using outdoor sunken green space and rainwater recovery system for normal green sprinkling and garage flushing. The project has a total of two sets of rainwater recovery systems, with module rainwater collection pool volumes of 144 cubic meters and 104 cubic meters respectively, The annual runoff control rate reaches 70.1%, meeting the requirements of sponge city construction


Ren Nanqi, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and chairman of the sponge City Construction Expert Committee, and other experts and leaders presented awards to 21 award-winning units

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