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盐田港集团与市史志办开展“不忘初心 牢记使命”党建共建活动



In the witness of the leaders of both sides, Zhong Shanqun, on behalf of the group Party committee, and Zhang Miaozhen, deputy director of the Party committee of the municipal chronicles office, jointly signed an agreement on the co construction of Party construction. At the exchange forum, Yang Lixun briefly introduced the development and construction of Shenzhen Party History Museum and Shenzhen Local Chronicles Museum. Sun Bo said that Shenzhen party history museum is the red gene bank with the most complete party history data in the city. By setting up on-site teaching bases in the Party History Museum and local chronicles Museum, It can enable the majority of Party members in Yantian port to more intuitively and vividly study the knowledge of party history and understand the past, present and future of Shenzhen


The Party committee of Yantian Port Group will make full use of this base, constantly innovate the forms of Party building activities, and sort out the development history of Yantian port with the help of the rich experience of the historical records office. Sun Bo and his delegation also visited the Shenzhen Party History Museum and Shenzhen Local Chronicles Museum, listened carefully to the explanation, carefully studied various precious historical documents, and understood in detail the development of Party building and urban development in Shenzhen



Shenzhen Local Chronicles museum shows the great leap of Shenzhen from a backward border agricultural county to a modern international metropolis in 40 years

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