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Recently, at the 2020 annual summary and exchange of Shenzhen Internal Journal circles and the commendation conference of "excellent internal journal Media Award", the internal Journal of Yantian Port hosted by Yantian Port Group once again won the highest honorary award in Shenzhen Internal Journal circles - "Shenzhen top ten enterprise journals", which is the second time that the internal Journal of Yantian Port has won this honor since 2019

在单项奖方面,《盐田港》2019年第六期《打造海洋产业发展赋能平台》系列文章获 “经济专题”二等奖;2020年第三期获“好封面”二等奖,从内容策划到平面设计均获得了好评


In recent years, "Yantian Port" internal magazine has closely followed the development pace of the group, paid attention to the industry dynamics and the diversified development of the group with a broad vision, and had a positive impact on the dissemination of corporate philosophy and brand connotation, and promoted the development level of the industry internal magazine. This time, it won the award of "top ten enterprise magazines" again, which is not only a prominent embodiment of the corporate culture and brand construction achievements of Yantian Port Group, It is also the full recognition of authoritative institutions and media experts for the improvement of the group's comprehensive strength

未来,我们将持续秉承盐田港集团“海纳百川 志存高远”的企业文化精神,继续准确记录盐田港发展历史,以全新的视角积极传播文化精神内核,全面提升品牌核心竞争力,助力集团发展

In the future, we will continue to uphold Yantian Port Group's principle of "the sea embraces all rivers"

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