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On December 8, dongweimin, Secretary of Huangshi Municipal Party committee, and his delegation visited Yantian port and had exchanges with Sun Bo, chairman of the group, Liu Nan'an, President, and Qiao Hongwei, vice president of the group, on issues such as Huangshi Xingang phase III, the development of the comprehensive bonded area, and the construction of the Yangtze River headquarters. Relevant heads of the investment and Development Department of the group, the joint stock company, and Huangshi Xingang company attended the meeting



He hoped that Yantian Port Group would speed up the construction of Huangshi New Port Phase III project, promote the planning and implementation of the Yangtze River headquarters of Yantian port, vigorously develop the headquarters economy near the port, actively participate in the development of Huangshi new port comprehensive protection zone, and promote the development of cooperation in a pragmatic and efficient direction. Liu Nan'an said that Huangshi new port was a business card of Yantian Port's "Yangtze River strategy", which provided a successful example for many potential partners


According to the requirements of Huangshi Municipal Party committee and government, the group will speed up the construction of Huangshi New Port Phase III project and the Yangtze River headquarters, further give play to the radiating and driving role of the port in the economy, and build Huangshi new port into a hub port in the middle reaches of the Yangtze river. Sun Bo thanked Huangshi Municipal Party committee and government for their strong support. He said that under the background of promoting the formation of a new development pattern with domestic big cycle as the main body and domestic and international double cycles promoting each other, The group will further highlight the central position of Huangshi new port in the headquarters of the Yangtze River, accelerate the layout of ports in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and build a new benchmark of ports along the river with high standards. At the same time, it will actively participate in the construction and operation of Huangshi new port comprehensive protection zone, optimize the introduction of port industries, and promote the transformation of transportation ports to trading ports

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