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Chan Yaodong said that Yantian Port Group, as the first batch of municipal state-owned enterprises to participate in the development and construction of the cooperation zone, has made positive contributions to the development of the cooperation zone. In the next step, Yantian Port should speed up the project construction progress, coordinate the overall planning of the port area behind Xiaomo port, and implement the transportation planning and industrial planning from a high point. The cooperation zone will arrange relevant functional departments to accurately match the needs of Yantian port and provide services


Sun Bo thanked the cooperation zone for its care and support. He said that the cooperation zone is an important growth pole for the investment and development of Yantian Port Group during the "14th five year plan". The group will take a higher political position, implement the new development concept, actively promote the construction of small desert port project, and give full play to the driving role of ports in economic development


At the same time, the group will actively implement the decision-making and deployment of the cooperation zone, do a good job in the planning and research of the 2.1 square kilometer logistics park behind Xiaomo port, and speed up the integrated layout of "port, district and city". After the meeting, Sun Bo and his delegation also investigated the relevant principals of the Secretariat of the board of directors of Shenzhen Shantou company, the office, the digitalization center, the investment and development department, the planning and construction department, the capital company, and Shenzhen Shantou port company

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