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11月16日,集团召开 “十四五”战略发展规划课题专家评审会,邀请产业、交通、经济、企业、金融等领域的5位专家审议集团“十四五”规划集团副总裁彭洪波、董事会秘书处、人力资源部、财务管理部、投资发展部、经营管理部、资本运作部等负责人参加了会议

On November 16, the group held an expert review meeting on the topic of the "14th five year plan" strategic development plan, and invited five experts from industry, transportation, economy, enterprise, finance and other fields to review the "14th five year plan" of the group. Peng Hongbo, vice president of the group, the Secretariat of the board of directors, human resources department, financial management department, investment development department, operation management department, capital operation Department and other principals attended the meeting

会议由彭洪波主持,深圳综合开发研究院详细介绍了集团“十四五”规划的整体情况及相关工作推进进度,专家组成员分别对 “十四五”规划内容进行了点评并提出了修改意见


Everyone agreed that the 14th five year plan of the group met the preparation requirements. It not only made a pertinent evaluation of the development achievements of the group during the 13th Five Year Plan period, but also made a scientific analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the group's development and the internal and external environment. It was forward-looking and operable. After full discussion, the review experts unanimously agreed that the 14th five year plan of the group passed the review, and suggested further revision and improvement in combination with expert opinions


Peng Hongbo said that the group is in the stage of rapid development and must attach great importance to the preparation and implementation of the 14th five year plan. In the next step, all departments and enterprises should actively use various means to promote business transformation and upgrading while improving the 14th five year plan, strive to achieve the goals of doubling assets and profits, and promote the high-quality leapfrog development of the group

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