10月6日,全球首艘以液化天然气(LNG)为动力的集装箱巨轮“达飞雅克·萨德”轮(CMA CGM JACQUES SAADE)首航盐田港区该轮全长约400米,宽约61.3米,可装载23112个标准箱,是达飞集团该系列9艘同型号巨轮中的第一艘
On October 6, the world's first large container ship "CMA CGM Jacques Saade" powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) made its maiden voyage to Yantian port area. The ship is about 400 meters long and 61.3 meters wide, and can carry 23112 TEUs. It is the first of the nine giant ships of the same type in the series of Dafei group
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